Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile

Pages 189 - 287
Julio - Diciembre 1995

Social benefits of Chilean agricultural research in a price distorting policy context
Authors: Jaime Ortíz, Jeff Alwang, y George Norton
Pages 189-203 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
The Hudson volcano eruption and its effects on the agriculture of the XI Region
Authors: Eduardo Besoain M., Rafael Ruiz S. y Christian Hepp K.
Pages 204-219 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Wettening potential and stability of aggregates in soils with different management
Authors: Achim Ellies S., Renato Grez Z. y Carlos Ramirez G.
Pages 220-225 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effectiveness and competing capacity of native Rhizobium strains evaluated in IX Region soils
Authors: Leticla Barrientos O., Inés Pino N. y Edith Méndez A.
Pages 226-232 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Evaluation of nitrogen fertilizers in cereal crops using the 15N isotopic dilution method
Authors: Inés Pino N., Mirta Buneder B. y Amella Peyrelongue C.
Pages 233-238 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of nitrogen application time (15N) in Thompson Seedless grapevines
Authors: Inés Pino N., Pedro Baherle V., Felipe Zapata, Adriana Nario M. y Maria Paz Albornoz G.
Pages 239-244 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Estimation of plant response parameters to phosphorus on the basis of some soil chemical properties in Ultisols and Andisols from the south of Chile
Authors: Maria Adriana Carrasco R. y José Domingo Opazo A.
Pages 245-250 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Characterization of barnyard manure as a potential fertilizer and soil amendment
Authors: Silvia Maria Aguilera S., Gilda Borle B., Pedro Peirano V., Maria de la Luz Mora G. y Rolando Demanet F.
Pages: 251-256 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of the addition of sulfate and phosphate on the sorption and desorption of cadmium in volcanic-ash derived soils
Authors: Inés Ahumada T., Mario Salazar J., Inés Vergara F. y Eduardo Schalscha B.
Pages: 257-261 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Carbon labile pool in Chilean volcanic soils
Authors: Gilda Borle B., Silvia M. Aguilera S., Pedro Peirano V. y Mario Calozzi M.
Pages: 262-266 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Seasonal dynamics of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Chilean central-south sand dune ecosystems
Authors: Belcy González S., Roberto Godoy B. y Heriberto Figueroa S.
Pages: 267-272 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Phosphate buffer capacity in sone great groups of soils in Buenos Aires (Argentine)
Authors: Oiga S. Heredia y Lidia Gluffré
Pages: 273-277 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Soil'|s nitrate, comparison of two dosage methods
Authors: Angelina V. Fontanive y Ana M. de la Horra
Pages: 278-282 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
The effect of two tillage systems on some soil properties in a subhumid Entic Hapludoll of Argentina
Authors: Ana Miglierina P., Maria Landriscini R., Juan Galantini S., Ramón Rosell C. y Julio Iglesias G.
Pages: 283-287 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |